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Paula Manning-Lewis's Artist Profile
Paula Manning-Lewis from Albuquerque, United States
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Artist's Statement

My art is all about emotions and energy, light and love. I don’t come up with the ideas for my paintings. I am merely the channel that brings them into existence. When I began my current style I had no idea where it was coming from because I was still “asleep”. The process of finding my signature style was one of self discovery and at the same time, Universal discovery. What I have learned during this time, is my purpose as an artist. What I am here for. To spread a feeling, emotion, shall I say, an energy of love. Love is the most important feeling we as humans can experience. It’s the one emotion that stays behind when we leave this life. Love is what we are here for. Love grounds us and makes us soar! My art is my gift. A gift to me from the Universe and a gift from me to you. It’s my connection to Spirit and my reason for being here.

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