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by Alessandro Gambetti
Own a Fine Art Reproduction
High Quality Print on CanvasUsually ships in 3-5 business days
Own the Original 100cm x 90cm
Ships directly from the artist Alessandro Gambetti
Original Price: Not for Sale
Year created: 2011
Original Size: 100cm x 90cm
Original Medium: Mixed Media Work
Art Style: Surrealism
Art Subject: World Culture
Artist comment about this artwork: "This image can be seen in tre D like a stereogram".
Art by the Artist Alessandro Gambetti


Alessandro Gambetti was born in Vicchio del Mugello (Florence) in 1959.
In 1977 he got his Diploma at the Liceo Artistico and in 1983 he got his Diploma in painting at the Accademia di belle Arti (The fine Arts Academy) of Florence.
From 1999 he is a regular art teacher at Scuola media in Siena.
In the same year one of his painting’s picture is choosen by the Amburgo’s Agency (Germany) for an important advertising compaign
In 2001 he is nominated academicians for the International Academy “Greci Marino” (literature, art and science Academy of Verbano in Vinzaglio-Novara).
He took part to several public artistic exhibitions like Arte Padova in Padova, “Cromaticos” ( a painting exhibition in Castello Estense in Ferrara),art-expo in New York (USA) and more recently at the show “Firenze Arte” (the Pergola art gallery in Florence), finalist artist at seventh edition “National Price of painting and Sculpture “Città di Novara” Novara, at the first edition of Biennal Exhibition of Contemporary Art “Opposite Reflexes” (ex S.Charles Barnabiti Church, Florence).
He has organizes some personal exhibition in Florence, Siena, and in their environs. The public and the opinions have appreciated his works
His artworks are in several italian and foreigns web sites.
Recently he has been invited and included in the virtual Saatchi Gallery of contemporary art- London, and one of his works was selected by curator Rebecca Wilson Saatchi art gallery in London to be part of the collection "Nacked nudes"
A large part of his artworks are found in private collections in italy and abroad.
At present his artworks is the result of the study of the human figure representing its many different signifant ranges (ironic, allegoric, symbolic, surreal, deformed), from the visual perception and how the two dimensional image can be seen in three dimensional; The use of new digital technique manipolations (computer graphic), that through creativity and the knowledge of the technique instruments, combine in continuous research work and in a new aesthetics painting development

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