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by Douglas Castleman
Own a Fine Art Reproduction
High Quality Print on CanvasUsually ships in 3-5 business days
Own the Original 24" x 18"
Ships directly from the artist Douglas Castleman
Original Price: $1,600.00
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Year created: 2017
Original Size: 24" x 18"
Original Medium: Oil Work
Art Style: Realism-Representational
Art Subject: Landscapes
Artist comment about this artwork: "Two deer heading to lower elevation after going higher to escape the early afternoon heat of summer in Yosemite Park Half Dome is in the background".
Art by the Artist Douglas Castleman From Torrance, California, United States

Douglas Castleman is a watercolor and oil painter. He also uses graphite pencils and does some digital painting using Corel Painter and a Cintiq monitor. He enjoys landscape and aviation photography. He also works as a freelance illustrator and as a graphic artist. Many of his paintings have been sold to people and companies around the world, including NASA.
Douglas specializes in landscape, aviation, and marine subjects. He is a member of several art associations, including the American Society of Aviation Artists as an Artist Member and the Los Angeles Society of Illustrators. Some of his paintings are part of the United States Air Force Art Collection and at NASA. He has won numerous awards for his art from various associations, national and international art shows, and the City of Torrance, California, where he resides. Douglas has had five solo exhibitions in the Los Angeles area. In the summer, he teaches watercolor painting for the Yosemite Association, and many private clients throughout the year. Some of his paintings have been published, probably most notably in the book, “The Best of Watercolor,” from Rockfort Publishing. He has earned a Bachelor Degree in Art from California State University, Northridge and a computer graphic degree and a multi-media degree from Platt College, Cerritos, California.
He maintains two artist-themed websites, and, where you can view his paintings and keep up with latest news regarding his art.

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